Rodefer Moss



Comprehensive Financial Management and Consulting

Our Governmental Accounting Specialists collaborate with entities throughout Tennessee and Virginia, providing the necessary support to excel in your financial accounting and reporting tasks.

Who We Serve

Thought Leadership




Audits of Local Governments and Component Units

Our audit methodologies are customized to align with your unique requirements. The services offered by our government accounting and auditing team include:

  • Comprehensive governmental audits, coupled with clear guidance and effective stakeholder communication tools.
  • Advice and support for federal funding.
  • Efficient and streamlined audits as per the Uniform Guidance regulations.

Uniform Guidance Audits

Navigating Single Audits can be intricate and daunting for entities that rely on government grants. The Rodefer Moss team is well-equipped with both the expertise and experience to conduct these audits meticulously, efficiently, and collaboratively, assisting you in reconciling programmatic and financial compliance requirements.

Our seasoned professionals closely collaborate with you to deliver top-tier Single Audits. We provide our clients with:

  • A well-documented performance history: Having audited a broad spectrum of programs under the Uniform Guidance, we’ve established a streamlined process for testing compliance requirements.
  • Dedicated cross-disciplinary teams: By ensuring key staff overlap between financial statement audits and Single Audits, we facilitate swift knowledge transfer, leading to a more effective compliance audit experience.
  • Up-to-date credentials and industry insights: We stay ahead of changing audit compliance requirements and make it our mission to keep you informed about these changes well in advance of their implementation date.

Internal Control Reviews

We help you navigate the intricate and ever-evolving landscape of internal controls. We evaluate your existing internal control system, and then collaborate with you to identify your strengths and potential vulnerabilities.

Each engagement is initiated with in-depth inquiries about your business, control environment, risk assessment, monitoring, and communication practices. This process empowers us to assess the current effectiveness level, discover and address gaps, and fortify your overall control system. After presenting our recommendations, we offer monitoring support to ensure any newly implemented control environment is equipped to handle present and future challenges.

In the light of constantly evolving regulations (like FASB ASU 2014-09 on revenue recognition), it’s critical that internal control considerations are integrated with management’s financial reporting needs to circumvent material weaknesses in internal control.

Rodefer Moss supports you with internal controls, including:

  • Advising on the design and implementation of internal controls over financial reporting
  • Providing necessary reports for audit, consulting, or agreed-upon procedure engagements
  • Offering internal audit services

Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) Compliance

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Compliance

Increased complexities across the accounting landscape have required specialized knowledge in the governmental sector. This leads you to be proactive in determining the optimal blend of personnel and resources. Rodefer Moss’s customized governmental outsourced accounting services can be tailored to meet your entity’s requirements. Whether you need support during transitional periods involving key financial roles, or require long-term arrangements that complement your existing staff for monthly procedures or technical year-end audit readiness, we are here to assist.

Outsourced Accounting

Pre-Audit Work – Monthly, Quarterly or Annually

  • Assist with analysis and reconciliation of general ledger accounts
    • Cash account reconciliation
    • Utility accounts receivable, including unbilled amounts
    • Intergovernmental revenues
    • Reconciliations of property tax balance and unavailable or unearned revenues
    • Governmental Receivable
    • Interfund activity reconciliation
    • Pension related balances and entries
    • Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) related balances and entries
    • Assistance with fund balance reconciliations and classifications
    • Assistance with Net Position reconciliations (proprietary and government-wide)
    • Assistance with government-wide financial statement conversion and reporting entries
    • Assistance with capital asset tracking and accounting
    • Assistance with leases and SBITA reporting
    • Others, as needed
  • Assistance with entity’s staff training and development of processes and procedures to enhance the existing accounting system
  • Perform additional accounting-related consulting services as requested by entity’s management or finance team

Audit Readiness

Audits pose significant challenges, stretching resources thin and potentially impacting your organization’s reputation. At Rodefer Moss, we understand these complexities and are equipped to navigate them alongside you.

Our dedicated team partners closely with your key management and finance groups to ensure meticulous record-keeping, stringent regulatory adherence, and operational compliance. Our active involvement establishes a state of constant audit readiness within your organization, enabling you to navigate the audit process with minimal disruptions.

As part of our audit readiness assistance, we offer the following services:

  • Preparation of the SEFA draft (Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and State Financial Assistance)
  • Assistance in compiling the information requested by the external auditor
  • Acting as a resource to auditors for technical inquiries
  • Preparation of supporting workpapers and schedules for the annual audit

With Rodefer Moss at your side, audits become less of a challenge and more of an opportunity for organizational improvement and growth.

As we guide your organization through the audit readiness process, our specialized team of consultants will pinpoint potential vulnerabilities and areas for enhancement, all while working to streamline your operational procedures. Rodefer Moss brings to the table a wealth of audit experience, proficiency in accounting and audit standards, and a clear understanding of what auditors expect.

To guard against adverse findings and to ensure your organization is ideally positioned to navigate an audit successfully, we provide the following services:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Current Controls: We start each engagement by meticulously reviewing and documenting your organization’s existing controls. This allows us to establish a baseline and identify areas that need improvement.
  • Pre-Audit Testing: Our team conducts multiple audit scenarios to test the efficacy of internal controls and ensure compliance.
  • Financial Reporting Process Review: We delve into your financial reporting processes to spot weaknesses and implement enhancements.
  • Post-Audit Remediation: After an audit, our team works hand-in-hand with stakeholders to implement necessary changes, design new processes, and establish reliable controls to prevent future audit issues.
  • Objective Insights: When confronted with complex accounting issues, our team offers objective, third-party insights and recommends feasible changes to promote productivity.
  • Hands-On Accounting Consultation: Our team collaboratively works with yours to develop and implement new accounting pronouncements, fostering organizational adoption of suggested changes.

Audit readiness isn’t just a requirement – it’s an opportunity to refine and improve your operations.

GASB pronouncement implementation

ACFR compilation 

Rodefer Moss | Government


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